My complete CV can be downloaded as a pdf. Details for recent years are given below.
Candidate for DPhil in General Linguistics
Kellogg College, University of Oxford
Thesis topic: An incremental LFG approach to the grammar of Korean particles
MPhil General Linguistics & Comparative Philology, awarded with Distinction
Kellogg College, University of Oxford
Thesis: Number in Meryam Mir
Specialist subjects: Syntax, Psycholinguistics, Structure of Korean
The syntax-prosody interface in Korean: resolving ambiguity in questions
In D. Arnold et al. (eds.) 2016. Proceedings of the Joint 2016 Conference on
Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical Functional Grammar. 318-338.
Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Number in Meryam Mir
In M. Butt & T.H. King (eds). 2015. Proceedings of the LFG15 Conference. 103-123.
Stanford, CA: CSLI Publications.
Building a cognitive model of processing using Dynamic Syntax
Poster presented at the 1st Dynamic Syntax Conference
School of Oriental and African Studies, London
The syntax-prosody interface in Korean: resolving ambiguity in questions
Presentation, HeadLex 2016 Conference
Polish National Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
An incremental approach to the syntax-prosody interface in Korean
Presentation, Languages as Mechanisms for Interaction
University of Ghent
Disambiguating Questions with Content Pro-Forms in Korean
Poster, 2nd UCL Graduate Linguistics Conference 2015
University College, London
Number in Meryam Mir
Presentation, 20th International Lexical Functional Grammar Conference 2015
Waseda University, Tokyo
The syntax-prosody interface in Korean: resolving ambiguity in questions
Faculty of Linguistics
University of Konstanz
MPhil to DPhil Progress Scholarship
Kellogg College, OxfordSERVICE
MSt/MPhil Student Faculty Board Member
Faculty of Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics, University of OxfordDevelopment Officer, MCR Committee
Kellogg College, OxfordEMPLOYMENT
Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate Linguistics
Faculty of Linguistics, Philology & Phonetics, University of OxfordInterim Regional Director of Commissioning (South)
NHS EnglandChief Executive
Arden PCT Cluster - NHS Coventry & NHS WarwickshireChief Executive
Languages: English (native), German (C2+), Czech (B2), Korean (TOPIK Level 2)
Programming and scripting in Python, Praat, R, ACT-R